Why Are People Delaying Getting Married Nowadays

26 August 2023   |   1

In the 21st century world considerable by rapid social, technological, economic empowerment, inflection, environmental, cultural changes, the concept of marriage has to go through a significant transformation for both boys and girls. The traditional timeline of life events, including marriage, is being challenged by several factors, due to which there is an increasing tendency among people to delay marriage. In this article throws light upon the reasons behind this change and explores the various factors contributing to this phenomenon.

 Keywords to Pin

Late Wadding, Delaying Marriage, Birth Rate, Mental Health concern, Population Growth

 1.     Education and Grow Career Opportunities

The world is changing rapidly with technology and digital age and in line with the possible outlook of job and business nowadays, qualification is an essential part to start life to serve on earth, therefore pursuing higher education and career opportunities is very important for life balance.

The first priority for them is to complete their educational qualifications, and a lot of time is spent improving professional and personal skills, due to which they do not get married in time or are unable to get married. The right age to get married (24–28 years) old is considered.

2.   Personal career settled in a good position

Today, there is competition in the world for Jobs as well as Business. All people are in a race to settle a career in a good position, start a startup, or run an existing or non-existing business. If the young people do not pay attention, they miss the opportunity and are left behind by other guys. So both Boys and Girls focus on this one first, then that one.


3. Achieving financial stability in life

Inflation is increasing day by day, making life a very difficult task, and if you are planning to get married earlier or timely, then it may be difficult to maintain your life partner and children until you don't have a good job and business. That's why people think about it first, not marriage – to live-balanced and first decide life-settled, then get married, because of which there is a delay in getting married.

4.     Six- figure job life with work- life balance salary

It depends on geography, our definition of balance, and what level of career profile you can make as a teacher in a school or college, an executive, administrator, businessman, or professional in defense, finance, medicine, the judiciary or whatever else. Good job satisfaction, to earn 6 lac–30 lac per year in India ,and abroad like the USA and UK, to earn $100200 per year, to enjoy a good life, to be strategic with options, to make attractive money – these are the things you should still primarily focus on. The things you love will most interest you in the long run because they truly allow for work-life balance.


5.       family  background & responsibilities concerning

Generally family background is classified in 3 Categories according to higher income, education, and professional status.


 Above Rs 30, 00000 = $145600 a year, or a net worth of over Rs 1.25 crore & upper professional


Rs 750000–1500000 = $40000 USD a year, or a net worth of over Rs 30lakh & middle professional graduate


Rs 100000–450000 = $9000 a year, or a net worth of over Rs 7lakh & non professional undergraduate

Nowadays, due to family background and marriage, one does not get the expected income. Doing all his work well has become very expensive, and he is unable to spend for his children or his own marriage, so it takes some time to make money then they decided to get married.

6.         Fear of Commitment and Divorce

Youngsters try to find the right and suitable life partner according to their choice; Unfortunately, they do not find mutual understanding, as heard or seen by family or neighbors, and later the fear of divorce forms, which is the reason for commitment and divorce. Fear has been very prevalent in recent years. With regard to marriage, caution should be exercised, which would cause them to delay tying the knot until they feel more certain of their choice.

7.         Influence of Cultural and Social Norms

Cultural and social norms have evolved regarding marriage. But with time, the world is changing and the outlook of the people is also changing, due to which the pressure to get married at a young age has been reduced and people have got a chance to make their own choices by getting empowered about their life. When and whom to marry?

8.         Delayed Marriage as a Global Phenomenon and Technological Impact

The digital age has reshaped the way people engage with social media platforms. According to the survey, 26 percent of millennia’s (ages 23 to 38) will never marry, and 10 percent are not interested in marriage and thus do not feel lonely. The rise of online dating, the popularity of video calling apps, and virtual video communication have changed the timeline of traditional relationships.


9.         Rise of live-in-relationship psychology

Today's young generation adopts new patterns of live-in-relationships (top-china, USA, North America. Evolutionary psychologists propose that we experience romantic love to avoid marriage and family burdens in order to increase our evolutionary fitness and grow faster.

Two people live together in a romantic and sexual relationship as partners for a long period of time (average: 3–5 years), lifelong commitment, or permanently without marriage.

10.     Low sex Ratio & Dowry system  (India)

Due to the dowry system and low sex ratio, especially in South Asia, the sex ratio has decreased in the last 10 years, due to which the number of girls has decreased significantly. Due to the high demand for dowry, their families are not able to meet the demand. It is believed that, due to both of their delays, the marriage is being affected.

11.     Right and compatible life partner

Parents keep the right relationship between two families or the life partner of the children in the same portfolio background, i.e., according to the same level, they find the suitable life partner for their children, but nowadays they maintain the relationship between them and find the perfect life partner for their children, as per the recommendation of family members and children. Nowadays, the most difficult thing is to find a perfect life partner for children.


Perception of Marriage as an Option, Not a Necessity

Unlike generations in the past 30 years, many people see marriage as a choice rather than a social necessity, and many youngsters are not interested in marriage, which has led to changing attitudes towards delaying marriage as well as declining marriages. 



Q: What will be the disadvantage of delaying marriage?

·        There will be a generation gap between children and parents.

·        Abnormalities in babies and difficult pregnancy.

·        Marital, health stability and adjustment.